Sunday, December 9, 2018

Jatiluwih rice terrace

#jatiluwih #jatiluwihriceterrace #visitbali #bali #daytrip
Jati luwih Rice Terrace located in Penebel sub region in tabanan region, approx 1, 5 hours drive from south bali( kuta, seminya, legian, denpasar, etc), and approx 1 hours drive from ubud.
Jati luwih rice terrace is one of UNESCO herritage site and President Obama was visiting the rice terrace last year, located under the batukaru mountain jati luwih rice terrace offers beautiful view of countured rice terraces irrigated using impressive communal water system developed by traditional balinese farmer.
The entrance ticket approx idr 40.000 rupiah, the village has build the concrete walk path so the visitor can walk along the rice terraces.
How to get there? well we offer the day trip service and jati luwih rice terrace is one of the our day trip destinasions just hit the contact below
Bali Private Car Service
CP: Joni adi arta
whatsup: +6281933036042
email :

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