Sunday, December 9, 2018

Experience the art performace and the making of crafts in Bali

barong and keris dance

experience the art performance and the making of crafts in Bali.

Bali is famous for its natural beauty, culture, hospitality of its people. art in Bali is one of the cultures, almost in every region in Bali we will find art that is its trademark. here I will review art in the region of Gianyar Regency.
Gianyar Regency is one of the most visited districts because it has one village that is liked by tourists, namely UBUD. Before arriving in Ubud, they will visit the villages around Ubud to just watch art performances and see local crafts or buy them. there are several village that are famous for their art and craft which I will review below.
barong and keris dance
barong and keris dance
stone carving

1. Batubulan village

This village is located on the border between Denpasar and Gianyar, Batubulan is famous for its art performances, namely Barong and Kecak Dance, where we can find several places to watch art shows, barong and keris dance held every day with 100,000 IDR entrance tickets. in addition to performing arts, we will also be able to find crafts such as carving stone designs of their own design characterizing Bali itself and there are also some unique designs.
silver craftmen
silver craftmen

2. Celuk village

Celuk village is located right after Batubulan village, Celuk village is silver craftsmen place, which is a silver industry center in Bali, most of the population works as silver craftsmen, silver from Celuk has been imported throughout the world, tourists can see how the making of silver jewelry and of course if they are interested can buy it here too, so many silver workshops that we will meet along the village road celuk.
batuan style painting
batuan style painting

3.Batuan village

For you who know and like painting art, can visit this village, this village has its own style of paintings but we can find various kinds of paintings as well, of course with guaranteed quality.
wood carver

4.mas and kemenuh village

These two villages are the center of wooden handicrafts in Bali, from wooden sculptures, wood carvings and furniture, the local community mostly work as wood carvers.
if you are interested in art, crafts in Bali and want to do this kind of day trip please contact us at
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