Sunday, March 20, 2016

Traveling to bali

Traveling to bali

For travellers who have any plan to go to bali, here i give you some information about bali, like Culture/Religion, Food,People, transportation, accomodation, So you can prepare yourself before your flight to bali.


Bali is a part of Indonesia  and the majority religion is Hindu. Balinese people is very spritual people,  every day they are praying to the god to say thank you for what the get in daily life like food, money or etc therefore in Bali there are many holly temples that you can see everywhere around Bali because balinese culture are believe with the philosopy  what they call Tri hita Karana, 
Tri hita karana consist of 3 part such as
The connection between people to the god, the connection between people to the universe, and the connection between people to other people. They are believe if you have good connection with that 3 part their life will be become full of happines.


Balinese food are unique, they have  many kind of traditional foods which you should try, but you have to prepare your self because the foods are spicy. Some of original Balinese foods are :

#Lawar made from young jakefruit chopped and mixs with balinese spicies and blood(cooked animal blood.

#Babi guling or rost pork, they roast it with traditional way thats why the taste is unique.

#Ayam betutu or chicken betutu is spicy roast chicken.


There aren't many public transportation in Bali, Almost balinese people ride their own car or bike to Everywhere, for traveller there are some choices that you can choose if you want go somewhere in bali.

#Private driver

I suggest you to hire a private driver during your travel in bali  their rate is affordable, you can contact me via whatsup and  i will give my best service and safe ride with affordable price. You can check some reviews from my customer at My facebook page.

# Bike

You can rent bike in bali, so many bike rental in bali and the price in average in Idr 50.000/day, but only for you who has international driving license and you must ride the bike carefully because the roads in bali are not really big like other country.


Before your flight to bali just prepare your self to book a accomodation in bali, nowdays it is easy to find, you can book trough online booking agent such as,, and the best is because you can negotiate with the property owner.

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